Monolith of Doubt

by After Forever

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:23 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Decipher (2001)

Song Author

Floor Jansen; Mark Jansen; Sander Gommans

Tabbed by

Ian Schmoeller


1st → Voz
2nd → Violino
3rd → Coros
4th → Guitarras
5th → Violino
6th → Baixo
7th → Bateria
8th → Piano

File Size

77 KB




The or-dea-a-al has be-gun to ob-lidge the un-know wi-thin me As I dro-o-o-o-own can-not re-mem-ber can-not think As I sink deep... Near the mo-no-lith of doubt cree-eps the fear The fear to lose your-self in the se-vere re-flec-tion I don't kno-ow, a flash-ing mo-ment that fro-zen me My hole ex-is-tence pass by thro-o-ough the trus-ted eyes o-of a mir-ro-o-o-or But it was-n't me I could see-e-ee This mo-no-lith of e-very-thing tha-at I have been is va-cil-la-ted and a-ghast The_i-nex-o-ra-ble time has taught me once a-gain that my fea-tures will change And ma-ce-rate me See, it's me, my mo-no_lith of doubt
